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Frequently Asked Questions

Discover answers to common queries about our services, procedures, and patient experiences. Get informed and make confident decisions on your healthcare journey.

The cost of medical care in Turkey is primarily impacted by the lower cost of living and lower physician fees. Turkish hospitals and clinics use the same high-quality diagnostic and surgical equipment as the hospitals overseas do.  Lower overhead expenses, such as facility costs and staff salaries, contribute to the overall affordability.


Additionally, physician fees in Turkey are often lower compared to those in Australia. This is not indicative of a difference in quality of care, but rather reflects the variation in economic conditions and healthcare systems between the two countries.


It is important to note that Turkish hospitals and clinics adhere to international standards when it comes to medical equipment and facilities. The same high-quality diagnostic and surgical equipment found in hospitals overseas is also utilized in Turkish healthcare facilities.


By choosing to receive medical care in Turkey, individuals can take advantage of the more affordable healthcare options without compromising on the quality of treatment. Ultimately, this allows patients to access the care they need at a more reasonable cost.

Yes, most elective surgeries on private health insurance may have a 12-month waiting period.

Patients are generally discharged within 1-3 days post abdominal surgery and can fly home.

Recovery time after a tummy tuck varies, but patients are usually advised to avoid strenuous activities for a few weeks.

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